CrediField (Field Workflow Manager) Feature Updates
Excited to inform new features introduced in Hobbiate Field Workflow Manager (now renamed as Hobbiate CrediField ). Major Developments : ERP System Based on feedback from our customers, we have decided to build a full-featured ERP system that can be accessed from our mobile App. Yes! And it will be available by the February third week . Agency Management and Dedupe Based on feedback from our customers, we have decided to build a full-featured Agency management system with dedupe. This means that your agency employees too can use our product and get things done. This removes a hop of assignment to the agency first and then to the field staff who would actually perform the work. With complex rules built into the App, the App will save you time and money you have been spending for dedupe and unleash opportunities to significantly improve your TAT and remove the fraud. This product shall be available by Feb first week. Selected New Features: We now have projects...