
Showing posts from June, 2020

Hobbiate for Customer Success


Hobbiate Company Tracker for Strategy

Hobbiate Company Tracker collects information from the web and converts them to insights for your business. Learn how it can help you leapfrog growth of your business by making the right choices.

Data, Signs and Datascience

# Covid19  gives a good perspective around Data and Signs and data science. Note: When I refer thoughts about other people in this article, I am neither concurring nor am I disagreeing with them. Often there is data. Often there are signs. Looking into data can be somewhat challenging. For example, some people point out that Indians seem to have higher immunity against  # coronavirus , hence we do not need to worry much. Many people would agree. Some people, however, maintain that we need more data to come to this conclusion. As data from Italy, China, and the USA may have been only captured after Corona had spread there rampantly. Also, there has been a strict lockdown in India. And then there are signs. One source of those signs is news. News is on the internet and social media. R0 Factor, Case Fatality Rate, Infection Fatality Rate, Deaths Per Million, Tests Per Million, Tests per Case, Tests Per Fatality, Asymptomatic Rate, Average Dat...

Hobbiate Company Tracker for Strategy: Tweets Categorization

Hobbiate Company Tracker allows you to categorise the tweets you view for your industry in various categories. Further you can save them for further reference and organise it in various forms to backup your claims in cheat sheets etc.

Hobbiate Company Tracker for Businesses 8 Minute Explainer

Here is a quick 8 minute explainer for Hobbiate Company Tracker for Strategy.