
Announcing Launch of new product #SecureLend

 Over the past year, you saw us aggressively working on CrediField, AKA Field Workflow Manager, and BizzLens, AKA Company Tracker.  We kept the tempo high despite COVID because we knew we were building capabilities that would be undoubtedly useful for the lending industry. CrediField is impeccable in tracking field staff and brings tremendous transparency in the field operations. BizzLens is a state-of-the-art AI and ML-based system that collects information from the internet and discovers hidden insights about companies and other entities. Now think about a system that blends the operational efficiencies of CrediField with deep insights uncovered by BizzLens! We are now talking about a system that can simplify outsourcing and as well as to detect Fraud using our AI and ML technology. Yes! We have launched this new system Hobbiate SecureLend that does just that. Wish to learn more? Contact us now!

CrediField (Field Workflow Manager) Feature Updates

Excited to inform new features introduced in Hobbiate Field Workflow Manager (now renamed as Hobbiate CrediField ).  Major Developments : ERP System Based on feedback from our customers, we have decided to build a full-featured ERP system that can be accessed from our mobile App. Yes! And it will be available by the February third week . Agency Management and Dedupe Based on feedback from our customers, we have decided to build a full-featured Agency management system with dedupe. This means that your agency employees too can use our product and get things done. This removes a hop of assignment to the agency first and then to the field staff who would actually perform the work. With complex rules built into the App, the App will save you time and money you have been spending for dedupe and unleash opportunities to significantly improve your TAT and remove the fraud.  This product shall be available by Feb first week.   Selected New Features: We now have projects...

BizzLens Feature Updates

 As we look forward to welcoming 2021 having beaten the toughest year of the lifetime, I am happy to share that we still moved ahead by leaps and bounds and are better positioned to serve our customers even better. Facing the challenges in 2020 along with our customers, we continued to build and better our product lines on all the fronts. We have successfully implemented ML on our platform and it delivers tangible outcomes for our clients. We strengthened our analytics to unravel meaningful insights using our strong categorization , sentiment analysis , relevance analytics , and data extraction engine. So now you have a strong company tracker platform that leverages public data like, News releases, blogs, social media, website statistics, and converts them into meaningful insights for your variety of usecases.  Would you want to leverage some of these analytics? Connect with us!
Excited to share the following new features for Hobbiate Company Tracker (Now called  BizzLens ). Bizzlens aggregates and compiles all information about a company from the open internet and brings useful insights for you. You can use it for lending purposes or maybe simply to keep a tab on your market to make better strategic decisions. It relies on search engine APIs and other sources such as Similar Web, Alexa, Owler, etc to curate information for you.  Additionally, it can pull information from Listings like Just Dial, Sulekha, and Indiamart and pull information from there. Furthermore, you can add comments, keep notes, or create BMC and SWOT analysis using this product. We introduced some more features this week. Analytics Analytics module introduced around the companies, competitors, customers, and the ecosystem. This not only gives you reasonable insights on your loan applicants/partners etc but feeds back as an input to our own ML engine for significant improvements. Us...

Hobbiate for Customer Success


Hobbiate Company Tracker for Strategy

Hobbiate Company Tracker collects information from the web and converts them to insights for your business. Learn how it can help you leapfrog growth of your business by making the right choices.

Data, Signs and Datascience

# Covid19  gives a good perspective around Data and Signs and data science. Note: When I refer thoughts about other people in this article, I am neither concurring nor am I disagreeing with them. Often there is data. Often there are signs. Looking into data can be somewhat challenging. For example, some people point out that Indians seem to have higher immunity against  # coronavirus , hence we do not need to worry much. Many people would agree. Some people, however, maintain that we need more data to come to this conclusion. As data from Italy, China, and the USA may have been only captured after Corona had spread there rampantly. Also, there has been a strict lockdown in India. And then there are signs. One source of those signs is news. News is on the internet and social media. R0 Factor, Case Fatality Rate, Infection Fatality Rate, Deaths Per Million, Tests Per Million, Tests per Case, Tests Per Fatality, Asymptomatic Rate, Average Dat...